◎ Eastern or Western Trditional Instruments & Orchestra
Flute Concerto for Orchestra with Percussion[2021] [solo flute,orchestra,solo percussion]
MarimbaConcerto [2020] 眼天地耳 sky eyes,ground ears [solo marimba,percussion ensemble,orchestra]
Taiko Concerto[2019] 艸樂 curatio [solo taiko,string orchestra]
Shakuhachi Concerto [2019] 伊福綴映 inspirare scriptum [solo shakuhachi,string orchestra]
Violin Concerto [2018-19] 禱聲 vox orandi [solo violin,haiku teller & electronics,orchestra]
Shamisen Concerto [2018] 慈音季如 vox affectio sicut tempora [solo shamisen,chamber orchestra]
25gen Concerto [2017] 未跡 signa [solo 25gen koto,string orchestra]
Yanagawajamisen Concerto [2016] 御通木MITSUGI [solo yanagawajamisen,string orchestra]
Bassoon Concerto [2016] 暁環 annulus aurorae [solo basson,orchestra]
Piano Concerto [2016] 眞聲水如 vox verum quasi aqua [ solo piano.chamber orchestra]
MarimbaConcerto [2015] 眼天地耳 sky eyes,ground ears[marimba,percission ensemble]
Sho Concerto [2015] 海煥草木川花奏鳴hae hwan cho mog cheong hwa ju myeong
Soprano Concerto [2015] 永九 yongjiu [soprano,mixed chorus, orchestra]
Trombone &Tenor Concerto [2014] 韻禱 yundao --- rhymed prayer[solo trombone, solo tenor,orchestra]
Four Koto Concerto [2013] 揺聲 vibrating rhythm [koto,20gen25gen,17gen,flute orchestra]
17gen Concerto [2009] 誰渡洸河 …..goes in the river of light….. [17gen,string orchestra]
◎ Orchestra
vox benedictus 連聲 [flute orchestra,2016]
Win schön lechtet der Morgenstern 如何美輝暁星 [chamber orchestra,2013]
Segredo la promesa bonita del cielo y un lago y un pez 水秘魚 [flute orchestra 2012]
Cradle of Time Colona of Tears 時之揺籃 泪之瓔珞 [chamber orchestra,2011]
Crossing voices 交聲譜[ eastern-western chamber orchestra,2011]
sato hyang xiang 郷 [ eastern-western orchestra,2009]
Ode to Sky and Lake 天湖頌 [flute orchestra,2007]
Like a Water Ring 水の輪のように [flute orchestra,2002]
Mother Lake 母なる湖 [ flute orchestra,2002]
Inner Lake 内なる湖 [ wind orchestra,2000 ]
la fonte di luce 光の泉 [ flute orchestra,1993 ]
◎ Oratorio
time in your eyes, space in my earsしづのまなかひ [2017]
vox caelum terra rithimus I天聲地韻 [2016]
◎ Opera
vox orandi musica eternam聲馨樂傳 [2017- ]
Jianzhen鑑眞[2012-14 ]
AZAI no MANAGO [my lovely children]あざいのまなご [2014]
◎ N-lab@Orchestral Educational
Waterbird Song
Star Tour Song
Lullaby Regional
Street Counting Song
◎ Theater Piece
The Oak Tree Story かしの木物語 [2011]
The Ship of Life 生命の舟[2010] Shiga Prefectural Culture Encouragement Award
◎ Orchestral Choral Song
Seisen University 聖泉大学学歌 [2016,composition,orchestration,conducting]
Nagahama Municipal Asai Elementary School 長浜市立浅井小学校校歌[2014,Lyrics,composition,orchestration,conducting]
Kinransenri Junior High School & High School 金蘭千里中学校高等学校[2007,orchestral arrangement]